Settlers of Catan

Need a map to play Catan and bored with the one map in the instructions? We offer fair, quality maps for free!

Why We Need Maps

Catan is a game in which settlers try to claim the most victory points by buiding settlements, roads, and cities. In the game, players are settlers trying to colonize an island full of resources named Catan. Players start with two settlements and two roads each. Players recieve different very different resources depending on where their settlements are at. This brings up the question of how to make a fair setup. The booklet that comes with the game only offers one setup. After playing with this setup many times, it can get boring. But this website offers new fair and exciting setups where everybody has a chance to win, no matter where they start!

A Growing Popularity

The amount of players who play this terrific strategy game has been increasing since the game was released. There have even been world and national championships to see who can colonize the wonderful island the quickest and the best. There have been 32 billion game units sold. The makers have released many expansion and extension packs due to the demand of Catan fans for more fun. These include but are not limited to:

As the popularity of the game increases, the question continues to be asked: how do you decide on a fair gameboard?

What we do to Make our Catan Maps Fair

We do many things to make our Catan Maps fair. One thing we do is making everybody's settlements the same distance away from each other. Another thing that we do to make our catan maps fair is make sure everybody has the same propability of getting resources. The dots on each number should add up to be the same number. We also make sure nobody's roads are blocked by the distance rule of other settlements.

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